Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Background and Justification II

The personal history that I have recounted in Background and Justification, Part I, is the primary reason for this blog's existence. As a student and practioner of politics, business and communication, I am a voracious reader. As a result, I have an opinion about nearly everything. I do value consistency and reason so I am continually challenging myself by measuring my beliefs against the facts as I know them. Most of us build our belief systems by accumulating a series of anecdotal data and connecting the dots...or filling in the gaps. I try to go beyond that by aggressively seeking confirming or contradictory information. Nevertheless, my knowledge and understanding are not flawless.

If I were asked to define my world view, it would be that I see myself as a libertarian, conservative, objectivist and constitutionalist christian. Figure that out if you can...I'm still working on it. For the moment I live in Illinois although I'm preparing for a move back to Ohio where I was born and reared. From time to time I consider aquiring 40 acres in Idaho and moving off the grid. I probably never will, but I fear for the direction our country and our society has taken. It's not lifestyles or even political preferences that have made me uneasy. Rather, I have become alarmed by values (not in the traditional sense), that is I am quite discomfited by what we value in this era. We seem to be obsessed with frivolity and meaninglessness. We relish the role of victim and demand nearly every creature comfort of modern-day living as a right.

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